- Back Putty
- Bagging
- Baluster/Spindle
- Barge Board
- Batch
- Batch Sampling and Numbers
- Bay – Bow Window
- Bed Joint
- Belt Sander
- Bill of Quantities
- Biocide
- Block Printing
- Blockboard
- Blocking
- Booking
- Bottom Rail
- Breeze Block/ Concrete Clinker
- Bridging
- Bring forward
- British Standard Code of Practice
- Broken colour
- Building Inspector
- Building Regulations
- Building Research Establishment
- Building Surveyor
- Bulk Head
- Burning Off
- Butt Hinge
- Butt Joint
- C.O.S.H.H. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
- Capillary Action
- Catalyst
- Chair rail
- Chalk Line
- Chalking
- Chamfer
- Chase
- Check Grain Roller
- Cheesy
- Chipboard
- Chipping
- Chlorinated Rubber
- Cissing
- City and Guilds
- Clear Coat
- Clerk of Works
- Client
- Cohesion
- Colour Recorder/Spectrometer
- Colourwash
- Compatibility
- Complimentary Colours
- Conduit
- Construction Design and Management Regulations (CDM)
- Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS)
- Construction Industry Training Board (CITB)
- Construction Phase Plan (CDM 2015)
- Contractor
- Contracts Manager
- Copal
- Coping
- Copolymer
- Corbel
- Cornice
- Corrosion of Steel
- Crackle finish
- Cratering
- Crinkling
- Cross Hatch Adhesion Testing
- Cross Lining
- Crow’s Footing
- CSCS Card
- Cup Gun
- Curing
- Paint Cup
- Paint Research Association (PRA)
- Painting and Decorating Association (PDA)
- Pan Mixer
- Particle- Board (Plywood -Chipboard)
- PASMA Training Card
- Peelable
- Pencil Brush
- Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Petrifying Liquid
- Pigment
- Pinhole/Holiday Detector
- Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA)
- Principal Contractor
- Principal Designer/ Archtitect
- Sand Paper
- Saponification
- Scabbling Machine
- Scrutch
- Seam Roller
- Shading
- Sharp Coat
- Shelf Life
- Short Pile Roller
- Sintering
- Site Induction
- Site Signage.
- Size
- Sizing
- Snagging
- Soffit Board
- Solvent
- Spalling
- Spectrophotometer
- Spike Roller
- Spike Shoes
- Sponging Off
- Sponging On
- Stabilising Solution
- Sticker
- Stipple
- Stippling
- Stopper
- Striker Brush
- String
- Surface Dry/Touch Dry