OSB (Oriented strand board)
Five different qualities and standards.
- OSB/0 – No added formaldehyde
- OSB/1 – General-purpose boards and boards for interior fitments (including furniture) for use in dry conditions
- OSB/2 – Load-bearing boards for use in dry conditions
- OSB/3 – Load-bearing boards for use in humid conditions
- OSB/4 – Heavy-duty load-bearing boards for use in humid condition
Osmosis is associated where fibreglass and polyester resins have been uses.
See: Osmosis in Problem and Remedies.
Particle- Board (Plywood -Chipboard)
Plywood and Chipwood.
Manufactured from particles of wood of various sizes.
PASMA Training Card
Prefabricated Access Suppliers' & Manufacturers' Association Ltd (PASMA)
web address; https://pasma.co.uk/
T: +44 (0) 345 230 4041
Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personnel Protective Equipment
Should be worn whenever work is being carried to protect the user from injury.
PPE is mandatory on all building and construction sites and responsibility is both contractors and operatives to ensure it is available and worn.
See: Health and safety
Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA)
Used as a binder in water based emulsion paints.
Also used as a general glue for woodwork.
Principal Contractor
Principal/Nominated Contractor. Manages the construction of a project, liaising with the client and principal designer throughout the project, including during the pre-construction phase. See: https://www.citb.co.uk/documents/cdm%20regs/2015/cdm-2015-principal-contractors-printer-friendly.pdf
Principal Designer/ Archtitect
Principal Designers/Architect. Appointed by the client of projects with more than one contractor. Responsibilities include overall responsibility for planning, monitoring, coordination health and safety.
See: https://www.citb.co.uk/documents/cdm%20regs/2015/cdm-2015-principal-designers-printer-friendly.pdf