Litmus Paper

Litmus Paper

The main use of litmus is to test whether a wetted surface or solution is acidic, as blue litmus paper turns red and red litmus paper turns blue when alkaline is present.

1.09527.0001 詰替え用 pH試験紙 pH1-10 ユニバーサル インジケータ 109526 用 109527 6Rolls 1個 Merck(メルクミリポア) 【通販モノタロウ】

Monochromatic Colour Scheme




A monochromatic color scheme is a colour palette that uses a single colour being variations of that hue.

The base color's saturation and brightness are adjusted to create different shades.

White and black are usually included as the two extremes of the color spectrum.


Needle Gun


Needle GunNeedle Gun

A hand-held gun comprising a series of needles which are operated by compressed air or electric.

Used in the preparation of steel prior to painting.

Newel Post

The end vertical posts to a staircase

Opaque Finish

A paint that is described as opaque will give a solid colour and finish.

Blacks and whites are always opaque and any colour mixed with them will become more opaque.

An Opaque coating/finish if applied to glass will obliterate any light shining through.

Orange Peel

A defect in a finished spray coat.

Orbital Sander

An electric sander available as for 240v -110 - Battery operated

OSB (Oriented strand board)

Five different qualities and standards.

  • OSB/0 – No added formaldehyde

    OSB- Oriented strand board
  • OSB/1 – General-purpose boards and boards for interior fitments (including furniture) for use in dry conditions
  • OSB/2 – Load-bearing boards for use in dry conditions
  • OSB/3 – Load-bearing boards for use in humid conditions
  • OSB/4 – Heavy-duty load-bearing boards for use in humid condition



Osmosis is associated where fibreglass and polyester resins have been uses.

See: Osmosis in Problem and Remedies.

Osmosis showing on Hull of a yacht
Osmosis showing on Hull of a yacht

Osmosis-GRP Swimming Pool
Osmosis-GRP Swimming Pool



Overlapping Seam

A method of hanging wide width wallcoverings.