Two Knot Brush
Two knot Brush.
A brush where the bristles/ hair set separately or tied with copper wire.
Used for applying distemper, limewash coatings also for washing down.
Two Pack
Paints requiring two components which react chemically when mixed causing the coating to cure-dry, e.g. epoxy/polyurethane/polyester fillers.
An intermediate coating applied after the priming coat, to provide a good key for finishing coats – main properties are to improve the film build and opacity.
Vac-Vac Treated Timber
Vac-Vac Treated Timber.
Timber which is impregnated with a clear water based wood preservative, VACSOL (fungicides and insecticide) byway of a double vacuum process.
Generally used in building construction, windows, roofing and internal stud work.
A method of preparing concrete floors or steelwork by the use of blasting abrasive grit on to the surface which is in turn re-circulated with the foreign matter being extracted
Composition of resin thinners and driers which, when applied and dried form a translucent or transparent film.
The general consistency, fluidity of a liquid paint. Should not be confused with structure, (see False Bodied, Thixotropic).