
Volatile liquids which are used to adjust the viscosity of coatings, (see Solvent).


False body gels which break down when agitated by re-structure on standing.

Tinsley Gauge




Pencil-like magnetic gauge used to measure the dry paint film thickness applied to steel/iron.


The final adjustment to achieve the correct colour by the addition of tinter colourant

Tip Size

The size of an airless spray tip.

Top Coating

Final coat within a paint system,.

Touch Dry

A degree of drying so that when slight pressure is applied, no mark is shown.

Touch Up

Patch painting – spot painting.

Translucent Wood Finishes

Semi-opaque wood finishes, which allow the natural woodgrain and texture to be seen through the film.

The degree of transparency is depends on colour with the lighter tints such Light Oak being the most transparent and darker colours such as Ebony and Walnut being less transparent.

Turks Head -Striker Brush

Turks Head/Striker Brush

A Turks Head / Striker brush has a distinctive round, angled head for awkward areas and slightly out of normal reach.