Principal Contractor
Principal/Nominated Contractor. Manages the construction of a project, liaising with the client and principal designer throughout the project, including during the pre-construction phase. See:
Principal Designer/ Archtitect
Principal Designers/Architect. Appointed by the client of projects with more than one contractor. Responsibilities include overall responsibility for planning, monitoring, coordination health and safety.
Rag Rolling
Formation of a textured or variegated pattern by the use of tinted scumble or glaze over a basic ground colour.
Rag Rolling
Rag Rolling
A two or more colour finish achieved by rolling over a wet coat of tinted glaze of a contrasting
colours with a chamois leather, clean rag or lining paper.
See: Specifications - Special Effects Tool Boxes and Broken Colour Techniques.
RAL Colour Range
A colour range developed by the German RAL Institute. The range of colours are used as an international standards used not only for paint but many building components.
Reversible Tip
An airless spray tip mounted in a reversible housing to facilitate the clearing of blockages