Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personnel Protective Equipment

Should be worn whenever work is being carried to protect the user from injury.

PPE is mandatory on all building and construction sites and responsibility is both contractors and operatives to ensure it is available and worn.

See: Health and safety

Petrifying Liquid


Petrifying Liquid can be used as a thinner for oil bound distemper in place of water particularly if the surface is very absorbent.

When added to te distemper it also helps to improve the weathering properties.





A colouring agent, insoluble, dispersed particles in a paint to provide colour and opacity. Some types available will inhibit rusting, chemical attack and high temperatures.

Pinhole/Holiday Detector

Pinhole /Holiday Detector

For use in detection any Pinhole / Holidays (misses) in the paintfilm  

Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA)

Used as a binder in water based emulsion paints.

Also used as a  general glue for woodwork.

Principal Contractor

Principal/Nominated Contractor. Manages the construction of a project, liaising with the client and principal designer throughout the project, including during the pre-construction phase. See:

Principal Designer/ Archtitect

Principal Designers/Architect. Appointed by the client of projects with more than one contractor. Responsibilities include overall responsibility for planning, monitoring, coordination health and safety.



Cast Quoin Stones are the stones which form the corners of a building.


Rag Rolling

Formation of a textured or variegated pattern by the use of tinted scumble or glaze over a basic ground colour.

Rag Rolling

Rag Rolling   


A two or more  colour finish achieved by rolling over a wet coat of tinted glaze of a contrasting

colours with a chamois leather, clean rag or lining paper.


See: Specifications - Special Effects Tool Boxes  and Broken Colour Techniques.