Internal mix nozzle

Spray gun nozzle which combines air and fluid before leaving gun.                                 


Flame or fire resistant coatings which increase in volume on heating.


A black varnish coating.


A gloss coating occasionally called bituminous varnish or stoving black

Kicking Plate


A metal plate fix to the bottom of a door for protection against damage.

Knot Brush

Brush, round or oval in shape, in either one or two knots used for applying distempers and limewash or for washing down.


A shellac based on Methylated Spirit for use over resinous to prevent tannic bleeding from  knots and sap residue within hardwoods.

Leafing/Flake Aluminium Primer

Aluminium primer for hardwoods and for sealing against tannic acid- resin residue and bitumen.

Leather Roller

Leather Roller                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Used to produce a multi colour finish as Rag Rolling.

See: Specification- Broken Colour Techniques -Tools and Equipment Special Techniques. 

Litmus Paper

Litmus Paper

The main use of litmus is to test whether a wetted surface or solution is acidic, as blue litmus paper turns red and red litmus paper turns blue when alkaline is present.

1.09527.0001 詰替え用 pH試験紙 pH1-10 ユニバーサル インジケータ 109526 用 109527 6Rolls 1個 Merck(メルクミリポア) 【通販モノタロウ】