Wet Wood Rot
A moisture content in wood in the region of 40% + is the point when the timber fibres begin to degrade. The major cause is poor maintenance, allowing moisture to enter the wood when exposed to the elements or for example, internally, where the sealant/putty seal between the glass and window frame has failed and condensation occurs, the water is then absorbed into the wood, affecting the cross rails, cill and styles.
Timber affected by Wet Rot will feel soft and spongy (even through a coat of paint) and look darker than surrounding timber. When dry, the timber will easily crack and crumble into fine particles. It can also be susceptible to shrinkage.
Some types of Wet Rot cause the wood to bleach. This is common in doors and window frames.
If the paint film is damaged and not treated this can increase the risk of wet rot. If you suspect wet rot and the paint film is not damaged, push a thin bladed knife into the painted timber. The blade should stop after a short distance. If it goes in up to the handle, it is almost certainly a sign of rot behind the paint coatings.
Wet Rot is easier to deal with than Dry Rot, as the cause is restricted to where moisture has entered the wood. Depending on the degree of Wet Rot, it may be necessary to remove and replace a section or the item, e.g. window/door. Where the defect is restricted to one area then it may be possible for a qualified joiner to cut it out and replace with new wood. Alternatively, a special two component wood repair system can be used by following the manufacturer’s instructions. Painting can then be carried out in accordance with the proposed specification.
For further information and specific advice contact: www.repair-care.co.uk windowcaresystemsang (Video)