Powder coated metal
When due to damage, fading or other reasons repainting is require then a specific specification is required.
To apply a conventional oil based paint system is not advisable as adhesion problems can be encountered.
Recommended Specification.
Remove by the most appropriate means, all surface contaminates, dust, dirt, loose or otherwise defected material back to a firm edge .
Feather off all edges with suitable grade abrasive paper to a smooth surface leaving it clean and dry.
As special adhesion and metal primers are recommended, contact should be made with the selected manufacture to enquire of their specific recommendations and systems.
Note: The following manufactures product range include suitable materials.
Bradite. http://bradite.com
Dulux. https://www.dulux.co.uk/products-listing
Zinsser. http://www.zinsseruk.com/product
Johnstone’s https://www.johnstonestrade.com/products