Accelerated Weather Testing
External weathering test bed to establish the durability of paint coatings.
Acrylated Rubber - Acid Resistant
The ability of a paint coating to resist acid attack e.g. acrylated rubber. Chlorinated rubber based materials are often referred to but now also referred to as acrylated rubber.
Acrylic Resin
A hard wearing binder used in water based paints.
Acrylic resin is also be used in other paints to improve the adhesion and durability.
Adjustable Tip
An airless spray gun with an adjustable tip (yellow) to adjust the spray fan width while in use.
After Tack
Where a paint film dries up to a certain level but then remains tacky. This generally occurs when exterior varnishes based on a long oil medium is used.
Air Bricks
Air Bricks
Where Installing air bricks are necessary, Building Regulations recommend they should be built in 1.5 to 2 metres. apart
They should also be set set at least 75mm above finished ground level.
The ground should be sloped away from the air brick vent to guard against water ingress.
Alkali-resisting Paints
Generally water-based paint such as P.V.A., masonry paints, cement-based paint, bituminous paints and epoxy resin paints which are resistant to alkali attack.
Aluminium Primer for Wood
A primer generally recommended for all types of wooh hardwood, based on a special leafing/flake aluminum pigment which prevents tannic acid bleeding. seals bitumen base coatings and surfaces.
Should not be confused with primers for aluminium.
Amine Bloom
Amine Bloom, is caused when using a two component epoxy coatings where the material is applied to damp surfaces or when high humidity is present.