Vinyl Copolymers

Resin obtained by copolymerising vinyl acetate and vinyl chloride.

Vinyl Resin

Particular film formers, (see PV.V.A. and P.V.C.)


The general consistency, fluidity of a liquid paint. Should not be confused with structure, (see False Bodied, Thixotropic).

Viscosity Cup-Ford Cup

A cup brass/aluminium or PVC with a hole of a specific size in the bottom.

Use to ensure the same thickness/viscosity of a liquid is maintained.


Gaps in a paint film, (see Misses, Holidays, skips).

Volatile Content

Percentage of material which evaporates.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

Liquids which evaporate quickly.

Wallcovering Adhesive

Ready made adhesive (paste) for hanging wide width wallcoverings.

Wash Primer

Usually referred to paints containing zinc tetroxy chromate with a polyvinyl butyral binder, (see Etch Primers).

Wash Test

Usually carried out by a small pad of lint or sage fixed onto a machine which rotates at a given speed and pressure. The amount of material removed is expressed as good or poor wash resistance.