
Lever which operates the fluid/air supplies on a spray gun.

Turks Head -Striker Brush

Turks Head/Striker Brush

A Turks Head / Striker brush has a distinctive round, angled head for awkward areas and slightly out of normal reach.





Formerly a dilutant used in paint and varnish manufacture.

Two Knot Brush

Two knot Brush.

A brush where the bristles/ hair set separately or tied with copper wire.                           

Used for applying distemper, limewash coatings also for washing down.

Two Pack

Paints requiring two components which react chemically when mixed causing the coating to cure-dry, e.g. epoxy/polyurethane/polyester fillers.

Two Pack Epoxy

Tyrolean Spray Gun

For applying high build textured coating and renders.


Ultra Violet Rays


An intermediate coating applied after the priming coat, to provide a good key for finishing coats – main properties are to improve the film build and opacity.

Unit Cost

The cost given to a unit of paint or cost per given area, i.e. square metre.

Universal Colourant/Tinter/Stainer

Water-based stainers which can be used for colouring oil and water borne paints.