Sand Blasting
Preparation of steelwork or old timber coatings prior to painting to remove rust and mill scale along with previous coats of paint by shooting various abrasives normally sand or git at a very high pressure on to the surface.
Sand Mill
Manufacturing method of grinding/dispersing pigment into medium/vehicle. (see Ball Mill, Roller Mill, Dyno Mill, Bead Mill).
A process prior to painting to improve the keying properties of subsequent paint coatings. Also Rubbing Down.
Formation of a soap-like substance by chemical attack of an alkyd coating caused by alkali and moisture in a substrate.
Scabbling Machine
For use in preparing existing flooring prior to floor paint or epoxy/polyurethane coatings being applied.
Scrub Resistance
The ability of a dry coating to resist abrasion, (see laboratory Equipment – scrub test, page 58).