Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA)

Used as a binder in water based emulsion paints.

Also used as a  general glue for woodwork.

Polyvinyl Chloride (P.V.C.)

Synthetic resin used in solvent based paints – can also be used in emulsion paints and plastisols.


Small eruptions in a paint or varnish coating which occur and do not flow out whilst the wet film is setting


A surface which allows water/liquids to be absorbed into the surface.  See Absorbency

Principal Contractor

Principal/Nominated Contractor. Manages the construction of a project, liaising with the client and principal designer throughout the project, including during the pre-construction phase. See: https://www.citb.co.uk/documents/cdm%20regs/2015/cdm-2015-principal-contractors-printer-friendly.pdf

Principal Designer/ Archtitect

Principal Designers/Architect. Appointed by the client of projects with more than one contractor. Responsibilities include overall responsibility for planning, monitoring, coordination health and safety.

See: https://www.citb.co.uk/documents/cdm%20regs/2015/cdm-2015-principal-designers-printer-friendly.pdf

Quick Release Fittings

  Snap-lock fittings normally on spray units.


Cast Quoin Stones are the stones which form the corners of a building.


Rag Rolling

Formation of a textured or variegated pattern by the use of tinted scumble or glaze over a basic ground colour.

Rag Rolling

Rag Rolling   


A two or more  colour finish achieved by rolling over a wet coat of tinted glaze of a contrasting

colours with a chamois leather, clean rag or lining paper.


See: Specifications - Special Effects Tool Boxes  and Broken Colour Techniques.