Heat Resistant Paints

Alkyd coatings which will withstand temperatures up to 130° C without discolouring – enamel which can be stored at high temperatures.


Wallcovering made from fibres of the hemp plant.

Hiding Power

Opacity of paints, (see Coverage).

High Flash

Solvents having a high-flash point, above 45° C.

High Solids

Products which contain little or no dilutants.

High Volume Low Pressure

Spray paint application system. (Known normally as H.V.L.P.).


Hod used for transporting bricks or mortar.

Hod Carrier a labour who physically carries bricks or mortar.

Holding Primer

First coat applied immediately after grit blasting to prevent steel from oxidising.


A term used when a paint coating has been applied and the underlying surface has not been totally covered. (see Voids, Misses, Skips).


A polymer of which the molecules comprise one type of monomer used in the production of early emulsion paints.