Grit Blasting

(See Sand blasting).

Gritty Finish

(See Sandy finish).

Ground Coat

An opaque coating applied prior to a glaze coating or scumble when graining or producing special multi-colour effects. Also sometimes referred to as undercoat.


Glass reinforced polyester

Usage can include: Roofing, Cladding, Pipework, External doors, Boat building, Architectural mouldings etc. 

Gun Cleaner

Special thinners for washing out and cleaning of spray equipment.


Gypsum rock is crushed into powder and mixed with water produces plaster paris.

The crushed powder is also used in the manufacture of plaster board wall boarding and plaster finishes.

Hacking Knife

Hacking Knife used for removing old glazing putty.

Hacking Off

Removal of a defective surface such as badly cracked plaster or rendering.

Hacking Out

Normally referred to when removing old putties

Hairline Cracks

Very fine cracks in a plaster or sand/cement rendering.