
Ability to catch fire and burn.

Flash Point

The minimum temperature at which the vapour of a flammable product will flash (ignite) if a flame or spark is present as defined in British Standard 3442.


A paint defect where the gloss level is higher in some places than others especially at joints or laps.

Flashing Off

The time during which the volatile content of a paint or varnish coating evaporates.

Flat Finish

Degree of a matt finish now showing any sing of sheen when viewed at different angles.

Flat Wall Brush

Flat brush normally 5-6” wide.

Flattening Agent

Substance added to paint to reduce the gloss level.

Flatting down

Rubbing/sanding down of a paint coating with pumice powder, glass paper, carborundum paper or other types of abrasives prior to repainting.


(see Elasticity).

Flexible palette knife

A small flexible knife for mixing colour on a palette board.