Fire Propagation Test

Defined in British Standards 476 Part 6

Fire Retardant Coatings:

Paint coatings which delay the eventual burning of a substrate.

First fix

First fix is normally considered to be after the shell of the building has been completed. Following this it involves Joinery and building work to roof, internal walls, floors and ceiling inserting all cables for electrical supply along with pipework for water supply before plastering. 



Small, long handled brush, (see Lining brush).

Fitch Brushes

Long handled brushes with either flat, round or slant heads for fine detailed painting.


Breakdown of applied coatings in small pieces or flakes away from the substrate.

Flame Cleaning

Removal of mill scale and rust by the use of a hot flame during the preparation of steel work. (Oxy-acetylene burner).

Flame Cleaning

Method of Removing mill scale and old paint coatings from steelwork.

Flame Retardant

Flame retarding paints and coatings are designed to restrict the spread of fire across a substrate.

Flame Spread

Defined in British Standards 476 part 7 which relates to the distance a flame will spread over a surface,