Bring forward

Repairing minor defective areas to bring them flush with the surrounding area before re-painting.

Bring forward

Generally refers to areas which have been made good or where the preparation has exposed the original substrate and the porosity (suction) is greater than the surrounding surface and needs sealing.

British Standard Code of Practice

British Standard BS6150 2006 Painting of Buildings code of practice.
British Standard BS Part 12 Workmanship on Building Sites.
British Standard BS 1710 Identification of Pipelines.
British Standard BS 381C Colour Code Identification coding and for special purposes.
British Standard BS 4800 Colours for Building.


Inability of a paint film to flex or bend.

Broken colour

Overall multi-colour/marble appearance by blending/merging different colours during application.

Bronze Tools

Non-sparkling tools, scrapers and wire brushes. Not made of iron or steel.


The application of metals in leaf or powder form, gold, silver and other metals.

Brush Graining

A method of simulating the grain of wood by using a lightly tinted scumble or glaze over a ground coat.


Appearance of small bubbles on the wet surface during applications.  Also known as aeration.


The overall thickness of a dry paint or varnish film.