Asbestos in Buildings
Buildings constructed between 1950 and 1980’s may have had some form of asbestos incorporated within the construction.
Usage in Buildings.
The areas of Asbestos use may be found include: Roof and Wall cladding – Flue pipes -Boiler cupboards – Insulating boards and Sound proofing panels-Heating pipe -Thermoplastic and vinyl floor tiles (often referred to as Marley Tiles) – Guttering and downpipes – soffits – Internal textured decorative coatings.
Should Asbestos wall or ceiling sheeting in good condition be identified then it is permissible to coat these surfaces with a water based product.
The removal of any dust dirt or surface contaminants should only be removed by approved contractors.
Health and Safety recommendations should be strictly followed by wearing full PPE including:
Full body overalls including head protection precautions, gloves, face covering, eye goggles and shoe coverings.
If loose particles are found under no circumstances should attempts be made to sweep or hoover up any loose material.
Generally three types were used and referred to as White, Blue and Brown.
As it is not always easy to identify an asbestos surface so if in doubt it is always best to leave and call in the experts.
Paint Suppliers: http://www.thermoguarduk.com/portfolio-items/asbestos-encapsulating-coat/
Training Providers: IATP> Independent Asbestos Training Providers https://www.iatp.org.uk/
Asbestos Removal Contractors Association: https://www.arca.org.uk/
Asbestos Testing and Consultancy Association: https://www.atac.org.uk/asbestos-testing-and-consultancy-association